Effective leaders learn from the good practices of other leaders in order to be more effective. In this special episode, I turn the reigns over to our community to share stories about great leadership moments that were meaningful to them. Join me for five stories than we can all learn something from to help us lead better.
Community Feedback
USA: (949) 38-LEARN
Global: +1 (949) 385-3276
Twitter: #CFLshow
Leadership stories from our listening community:
- Mary Lou
- Jan
- Will
- Kirk
- Jesse
Community Feedback
USA: (949) 38-LEARN
Global: +1 (949) 385-3276
Twitter: #CFLshow
Thank you to Alexandra Masia for liking our Facebook fan page!
Wherever you are in the world, whatever is on your agenda today, take one idea from this show to engage and develop someone you lead.