Welcome to the twelfth episode of Coaching Skills for Leaders. This week's topic: Five Ways to Have Courage to Coach
To reach me with questions, comments, feedback:
Visit CoachingforLeaders.com/feedback
Courage (n) as defined by Merriam-Webster's Dictionary: Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
Eleanor Roosevelt is famously attributed to having said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”
“If you're the king of your world, you're playing in the wrong world.” -Unknown
5 Pieces of Advice:
1) Have a mentor – for me, it's been my wife (and past managers)
2) Educate yourself on the issues – for me, it's reading and RSS feeds
- Check out Shelfari.com and you can view my profile here.
- Six Ways to Get Smart and Stay Smart
- TechCouple Episode #5
3) Surround yourself with people who will empower you.
4) Have direction – a personal vision
- Michael Hyatt's life planning e-book is a great way to start
- I'm Irrational With My Time (and so are you…)
5) Lean into discomfort
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I'd love your feedback on this show as well as any questions or topics you'd like me to address in future shows:
Visit CoachingforLeaders.com/feedback to submit comments, questions, or feedback.
See you in a week for the next episode!